Some people are just so nice!
There really isn't much to do in Turangi, and few options for eating, so after the Tongariro Crossing and hot pools, we drove 40 minutes up the road to Taupo as we really, really wanted Pizza Hut! Everywhere else we've been we've seen adverts for a large pizza for $4.99, so we were determined to have one at some point!
When we got to Taupo, we found that they didn't have one! Noooo! Luckily they did have a KFC, so I got us a table and Ciaran queued for the food... For about 20 minutes - they were soooo slow.
Anyway, as I was sat there waiting, a little old lady came and sat next right next to me saying, "is it ok if we sit here and look at the lake?" I said that of course it was and we started chatting about where they were going and what we were doing. She told me she was on her way to Napier with her daughter, although they're from Rotorua, which is our next stop. While we were chatting away her daughter came over with their dinner and then I felt quite bad as her daughter hadn't really had any choice in having to sit there and chat to me while they were eating. But they were both really nice.
I think that when Ciaran came over with our food, he was a bit surprised to see me sat there with them and then both of us were even more surprised when Maggie, the daughter, offered to put us up in Rotorua! She said it would "just be a room and a bed" but that we were more than welcome to it, and wrote down her name and address. How nice is that?! It was kind of awkward too, as we didn't really know what to say! She said that it was up to us but she would let her husband know that we night show up, and if we did, we did and if not, no worries!
I LOVE kiwis! They are just such nice people! I feel bad for looking a gift horse in the mouth, as I doubt we'll take Maggie up on her very kind offer, and her sweet old Mum asked us to write our names down so that she wouldn't forget them for when we came. But being on the road like this, we're kind of used to our freedom and would feel rude just dipping in and out of their house. Still, it was just so kind of them!
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