"Blenheim"? More like "Renwick"!

Either way, it's Marlborough!!!
Before we came to New Zealand, I had heard of Marlborough and I had heard of Blenheim. I hadn't heard of Renwick, but when doing our research it quickly became apparent that Renwick was the place to be! You see, there are vineyards around Blenheim, and all around the Marlborough region. But the vineyards around Blenheim are not within easy reach. Well, when I say that, what I mean is that I personally don't want to cycle (not drinking and driving, of course) 10km before I get my first sip of wine. I know there's a first time for everything, but only when needs must, right?! If you stay in Renwick you can hire a bike and cycle 3km and find yourself at the cellar door of Cloudy Bay. And after that there are numerous cellar doors, all open for tasting, at intervals of no more than 1km, all arranged in a nice circle of a trail, so that by the time you reach the last one, you're just a few pedals short of where you first started. And of course, it's all so scenic, with rolling hills and field after field of vines. All so easy, suited me right down to the ground!

What a day for it!! I was working up a sweat after the first 500m on the bike!! It was actually nice to get off the bike and into the coolness of the cellar door! First stop was Cloudy Bay. At some of the vineyards you can taste for free but at a few you do have to pay, usually only $3 or $5 (reimbursed against a purchase). Cloudy Bay charges a tasting fee but only $5 and it was totally worth it. I was bowled over by their Riesling. In fact I was bowled over by many of the Rieslings we tried on our wine trail. I know what you're thinking -  that I'm just not that fussy?!! Ha, maybe not! But we were in the home of the Sauvignon Blanc and to be honest, I'm just not that fussed about it generally and can't say that, despite probably having tasted some of the best ones out there, I'm even that fussed about it now. After doing the rounds in Marlborough I will definitely say, give me a Riesling or Pinot Gris and I'll be a happy chappy. Or a Gewurtztraminer! That stuff is GOOD! That is evident by how infrequently it was offered on a tasting- I had to ask for it at least 3 times (or maybe they just thought I'd had enough?!!) I also think that Chardonnay gets a bum deal and I'm really not sure why us Brits seem to favour Sauvignon Blanc over it. Maybe we just need to import better Chardonnays?
I had to be so restrained, to stop myself from buying a bottle at each place we stopped!! The whole experience was just so relaxing. I know that's kind of expected, given that alcohol was involved, but at one point, and not being drunk, I just completely zoned out of what Ciaran and one of the hosts were saying. Bit embarrassing but I was just so relaxed!!
So, Renwick is definitely the place to be! Hostelworld wasn't returning many results for hostels in Blenheim or Renwick, but Ciaran found the charming Watson's Way online. It has a super laid back vibe, with guests of all ages just chilling out, supping away at their recently purchased bottles of wine and not getting in each other's way at all. Shoes come off at the door by law. People actually clean up after themselves. There's a hammock for two, BBQ, petanque gravel, tennis courts and bike hire. It's just a really nice place to hang out while spending the days wine tasting.
In summary, Renwick, you get my vote!


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