San Juan, yes you can!

We've had a very fun few days mooching around San Juan with the dudes.

We weren't able to get into the hostel we wanted to stay at, luckily, as we ended up at Casa Oro, which we have loved! The staff were cool, the dorms nice and spacious and it has a great free breakfast every day.

At night we've done a lot of mooching around and drinking but my favourite day was our surf lesson on Remanso beach. Myself, Ciaran, Emily and Javi are beginners but Susan has surfed before, so she was doing an advanced lesson.

The lesson was a huge improvement on the one we had in El Tunco. Our instructor Danny actually instructed us! Yes, we did the whole practicing the technique on the sand, but he actually corrected us when we were doing it wrong. Then, when we went into the water he took it in turns with each of us to find us a decent sized wave and then talked us through it, and told us how to improve the next time.

It took me ages to stand up! I only managed to do it once during the first hour but the second time we went in I seemed to hit a sweet spot and kept standing up! We all had a such a good time and definitely want to have another go at surfing, maybe in Bocas del Toro, now that we have the base skills.

We also spent a day at Casa Maderas, which is supposed to be an ecolodge. Pah! There was nothing eco about it! But it was a nice place to spend a day. We had our own dorm for the six of us and it had a great pool area, where Emily led us in a karate-inspired work out followed by water volleyball.

Alicia and Susie finally broke their 10 day no drink rule. All the time we were on Ometepe they didn't want to, and even for most of San Juan del Sur, but on the final night they gave in and we all got wasted together! A super way to finish the time of us travelling together as six.

It was sad saying goodbye to each other in the morning, it really has been awesome travelling together. But we have made a pact to reunite in Hong Kong, in 2015!

Six have become four and myself, Ciaran, Javi and Emily are heading on to Monteverde, as we fly through Costa Rica!


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