Oda al maestro

Hace dos semanas ahi empecé
A estudiar espanol con usted

Al principio el miedo yo lo senti
Des tus opiniones tantos fuertes

Pero aprender en tu clase es un placer
Más que sólo espanol

Imagino que tu casa esta llena
De burros hecho de madera

Asi mañana voy a salir
Y tengo que te agradecer

Para todos las nuevas palabras
Los verbos, adjetivos y nombres

Tu me enseñaste como hablar
Sin usar ser, tener y estar

Entonces te regalo esta vaca
Con un hombre, y hecho en Oaxaca

I had planned on buying Enrique another donkey for his collection, but when looking at all the artesania stalls, I couldn't find one that I liked. And then I came across this little fella. Riding a cow. With a nodding head. PERFECT. (See here.)

Later, I did my homework, like a good girl, had dinner en familia, and then went and had a couple of rums with Diana and Mikey.

When I got back to la casa and into bed, well, I don't know where it came from (maybe the rum) but I suddenly had an urge to try and write a poem for Enrique. And it seems that it turned out ok!

Like a proper class swot I left the cow on Enrique's desk, and when he came in and found it (not for a lack of Jaden saying "Enrique, look!), told him that it came with a poem. I think he liked it, because he said at least three times "send me the poem!". I'm proud; I know the poem is basic but I rhymed in Spanish!

I was sad to be leaving the school today. I've really enjoyed it! The classes were so much fun, with lots of banter! Who knew? I feel like my Spanish has come on a lot, from all the talking at school, in the casa, and all my revision. I just need to keep it up!

Team Spanish Banter


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