Off to Vancouver Island
So many people had mentioned Vancouver Island ("The Island"), so given that I had a whole six nights for Vancouver, it seemed rude not to pop over. In fact Emily, the lady on the desk at the HI in Vancouver, had near on insisted that I take two nights there as one wouldn't be enough, and Rachel had also mentioned that I should visit Tofino and Nanaimo if I could.
I say "pop over". From downtown Vancouver it takes a little under 5 hours from door-to-door. An hour and ten on the Skytrain and bus to Twsassen ferry port. An hour and a half on the ferry crossing and then an hour on the bus to downtown Victoria, if, like me, that's where you're headed.
It was a hot, hot day to be travelling on. Most of the journey was spent in pleasantly air conditioned public transport but that still didn't stop me from dozing for most of the trip. And even when I arrived my head was heavy with heat. Checked in at Ocean Island Inn, I knew I had to drag myself out today, because my plan is to head to Tofino tomorrow.
I wandered out and immediately came across a stage for the Victoria Jazz festival, where a young and very talented band of singers and musicians were belting out soul and jazz classics, trumpets, sax and all.
After chilling here for a while I wandered down the famous Government street before heading back for the hostel's free dinner - lentil curry, probably one of the healthiest things I've eaten while here.
And now my grand "plan" has come unstuck, as it transpires that without a car it's impossible to do a day trip to Tofino. It takes 6 hours to get there on the bus, by which time you've already missed the return bus. And I don't have time to stay the night, as I have to go back to Van on Tuesday, for my flight to Mexico on Wednesday. It's times like these I think that I should be making more use of my project management skills and planning a little more. But then, I just like going with the flow!
No biggie - instead I'll just have a day of fun in Victoria!
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